Ingersoll 4021 2.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ingersoll 4021.
Lawn & Garden Tractors

About the Ingersoll 4021

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4021 Ingersoll
Don't Buy an Eastman Ingersoll Garden Tractor
Model Year: 2006

Bought a 4021-1/PS Ingersoll tractor (~$8000). The tractor was built in 2006 and purchased in 2010. This tractor now has 111 hours use. This tractor was sold to us as a new one. Problems started soon after purchase---oil leaks, grinding brakes, transmission grinding, battery failed, seat sensor problems, and finally the tractor would not start due to electrical problems. Tractor went back to dealer many times. Ingersoll Mechanic said this tractor should be replaced. Talked with dealer, Willow Creek farms, about help. I learned that the tractor was one of the last ones built in Wisconsin and was used as a demo. Contacted Emile Cardali, General Manager of Eastman for help. Emile is difficult to reach. Talked many times with Emile over a three month period. The issue that worried me was, with a track record as above, more problems had a high probability of occurring. I requested they replace the tractor. The only thing Emile offered was that they would fix the immediate problem. He offered no guarantees that more problems will be covered. However, I had to again pay the transportation cost to move the tractor back to dealer.

Pros: None.
Cons: Eastman is poor company to deal with.

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Ingersoll 4021 Owner Pages

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Ingersoll 4021 Community Rankings

#396 user rating of 5572 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#11 Viewed of 5572 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#5 discussed of 5572 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#2385 user rating of 27027 items overall
#65 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall