Kubota B3350 3.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota B3350.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota B3350

Kubota B3350 Discussions (0)

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User Reviews (1)

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3.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

B3350 Kubota
DPF/Regen Woes
Model Year: 2016

It's been an ongoing problem with my machine since it was purchased. It's always the same issue with the DPF and regen. Other than that, I like the machine when it does what it's supposed to do. The machine has been back at the dealership numerous times at a cost of $1,000.00+ each time just for transportation.

Pros: Overall, good product
Cons: After all the years, there are still the ongoing DPF and regen issues

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Kubota B3350 Owner Pages

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Kubota B3350 Community Rankings

#774 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#12 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#31 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#2206 user rating of 27027 items overall
#35 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall