Power Trac PT425 3.80 star(s) (4)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Power Trac PT425.
Articulated Tractors

About the Power Trac PT425

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User Reviews (4)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Power Trac PT425 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

PT425 Power Trac
Saved my back many times.
Model Year: 2008

I love this thing. Its versatility and maneuverability can't be beat. I use it for everything and it doesn't tear up the yard like other tractors. While building my home I have used it to move rocks and bring in dirt to fill low areas that otherwise I would have had to use a shovel. With its articulating center it turns easy and leaves no divots in the lawn. If you can think of an attachment to add but Power-Trac doesn't sell it they offer a quick attach plate so you can make it yourself. I converted a leaf blower from another manufacturer to use on my Power-Trac and it works great. I have pictures of it somewhere posted on their forum. I would buy it again if something happened to this one.

Pros: Way to many to list all. It does what I want it to do for me and that is what is important.
Cons: No dealer network for parts. Mail order only but they are very knowledgeable and quick to help you.

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5.00 star(s)

PT425 Power Trac
PowerTrac 425
Model Year: 2003

I first started looking at compact utility tractors (CUT) in 2000. I did all the usual searches looking at all brands and types. I happened on Ebay looking at tractors when I spotted a 422 for sale. Now this unit has no ROPS and is only 22 hp but a real beauty to look at. Looking back on that chance encounter I think this unit was put on Ebay by the factory as it was a new unit. I started doing more research and came upon Tractor by Net and the forum on PowerTrac tractors. For the next two years I watched this forum and became convinced that the 425 was the right tractor for my needs. My purchase came in September of 2003. I bought 15 attachments over time and all have been put to good use. If you are interested in looking at what this tractor can do then look up my postings under my user name PAJOUBE and you will find under Why I Bought a PowerTrac 425 many pictures which says it all. I have over 1000 hours on it and all are non commercial. I have done the normal maintenance and repairs but find that PowerTrac builds a solid machine with parts off any supply store. PowerTrac also is very good walking you through any problem you may have even if you’re not a mechanic such as I. Tractor by Net and the PowerTrac forum has a great bunch of guys who also love their PowerTracs and love to talk about them. Looking back on that purchase, would I do it again? YES, this has to be one of the best purchases I have ever made and my wife agrees. Many good machines out there, consider one like mine as all attachments are out in front of you. Looking straight ahead when working instead of looking back is a great advantage. Four wheel drive, hydrostatic.

Pros: to many to mention - see my postings under why I bought a 425
Cons: none that I can think of

4.00 star(s)
johnny b

PT425 Power Trac
Power Trac 425
Model Year: 1999

Just got it I need some help with bad drive pump (the one on the motor). The one I have is missing parts.

Pros: Nice built.
Cons: Pricey to fix.

1.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

PT425 Power Trac
Fuel In Oil
Model Year: 2016

i purchased this after visiting the factory and thought this would be a reasonable replacement for my John Deere. It was a huge mistake. The first thing that happened was the mower wheel fell off. The next thing was the motor filled with fuel. I called the factory. They don't stand behind the motor I had to find a Subaru dealer to come and get it at my expense. They put a new carburetor on it and it's done it again. This is a very poor investment and the biggest mistake I could have made. Stay away from this company.

Pros: None
Cons: Warranty

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Power Trac PT425 Owner Pages

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Power Trac PT425 Community Rankings

#15 user rating of 40 Articulated Tractors items
#9 Viewed of 40 Articulated Tractors items
#1 discussed of 40 Articulated Tractors items
#2081 user rating of 27027 items overall
#676 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall